Shaquille O'Neal: I Thought Coffee Was A 'White Person’s Drink'
Brennan Williams Pop Culture Editor, The Huffington Post "No amount of money can make me endorse something that I’m not 100 percent behind." Shaquille O'Neal has had his fair share of slam dunks when it comes to business deals. But not always. During the upcoming season premiere episode of “In Depth with Graham Bensinger,” O’Neil expressed his regret over passing on a proposed business partnership with Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz. “So [Starbucks CEO] Howard [Schultz] comes and says, ‘Shaq, I wanna give you the opportunity to go in with me and open up these Starbucks franchises in African American communities.’ And I’m always the guy that if I don’t believe in it, can’t do it,” he explained during the interview....